The Shenzhen Stabbing Incident and Japan’s Need to Strengthen Warnings against travel to China


In September 2024, the fatal stabbing of a Japanese man in Shenzhen sent shockwaves through the Japanese community. This incident has sparked renewed debates about the safety of traveling to China, with growing calls for Japan to issue stricter travel warnings. In this article, we will explore how other countries have responded to safety concerns regarding China, assess Japan’s current stance, and consider possible future actions Japan might take to protect its citizens.


Overview of the Shenzhen Incident

The tragic stabbing of a Japanese national in Shenzhen in September 2024 has brought to light the safety risks that foreign nationals may face in China, even in economically developed cities. While details of the incident are still under investigation, it has raised serious questions about the overall safety for Japanese citizens in China and prompted discussions about the need for more stringent travel advisories.

Travel Restrictions on China by Other Countries

Japan is not the only country facing concerns about the safety of its citizens in China. Several countries have already issued stricter travel warnings for China. Below are some notable examples:

United States

The United States has classified its travel advisory for China as “Level 3: Reconsider Travel,” citing concerns over “arbitrary enforcement of local laws,” “wrongful detention,” and the use of “exit bans” that can prevent foreigners from leaving the country. These measures primarily target businesspeople, journalists, and even family members of Chinese nationals​. The U.S. advises its citizens to avoid non-essential travel to China unless absolutely necessary.

United Kingdom

The UK government also warns of the risks of arbitrary law enforcement and detentions in China, especially in politically sensitive regions like Hong Kong and Macau. Travelers are urged to exercise caution and adhere strictly to local laws to avoid complications.


Canada has similarly issued advisories highlighting the risks of detention and exit bans. Canadian citizens are encouraged to stay informed and exercise extreme caution while in China​. The Canadian government emphasizes the importance of following local laws and taking appropriate safety measures.


Taiwan has issued one of the strictest warnings, especially for citizens with political backgrounds, as China’s National Security Law poses significant risks to those perceived as being involved in separatist activities. Taiwanese authorities strongly advise their citizens to reconsider traveling to China due to the heightened risk of detention.

Japan’s Current Stance and Response

Japan has so far taken a more cautious approach compared to countries like the U.S. and Canada. The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs currently has a “caution advised” travel advisory in place for China, which is relatively lenient. However, following the Shenzhen incident, there is increasing public demand for Japan to tighten its travel advisories, mirroring those of other nations.

Japan’s deep economic ties with China complicate the decision to issue stricter warnings. Many Japanese businesses operate in China, and travel restrictions could severely impact these enterprises. However, public safety concerns may soon outweigh these economic considerations, as citizens call for stronger protection measures.

Future Actions Japan Could Take

Strengthening Travel Warnings

By reinforcing its travel advisories, Japan could provide its citizens with clearer information on the risks of traveling to China. Following the example of the U.S. and the UK, Japan could issue warnings that specifically address the risks of arbitrary law enforcement and wrongful detentions. This would help travelers better assess the risks and take necessary precautions.

The Risks of Stricter Travel Restrictions

While stricter travel warnings would enhance public safety, they may come at an economic cost. Japan’s reliance on trade and business partnerships with China means that heightened restrictions could negatively affect bilateral relations and harm Japanese businesses operating in the region.

However, prioritizing public safety is a responsibility that the Japanese government cannot ignore. By reviewing other countries’ travel advisories, Japan can adopt a more balanced approach that informs its citizens of potential risks while maintaining its diplomatic and economic ties.

Strengthening Safety Measures

Beyond issuing warnings, Japan could also enhance its safety protocols for citizens traveling to China. For instance, travelers should be informed of how to contact local police and Japanese consulates in case of emergencies. Companies operating in China should also be advised to implement risk management protocols to protect their employees while abroad.


The tragic incident in Shenzhen has reignited the debate over whether Japan should strengthen its travel advisories for China. As other countries like the U.S., UK, and Canada have already issued stringent warnings, Japan may need to follow suit to better protect its citizens. While economic considerations pose challenges to issuing such warnings, public safety must remain a priority.

Moving forward, the Japanese government should carefully evaluate the risks posed by travel to China and provide its citizens with the necessary information and resources to ensure their safety abroad.

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